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Frequently Ask Questions


These are some of the most common questions we receive from customers. We have created this FAQ page to help you find the answer to your questions. If you have a questions that is not listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact ourĀ J3 supportĀ and send us your question.

How to Use

Knowledge Base information is organized into readily understandable and easily locatable articles, videos and glossary terms.Ā  To locate information, simply enter one or more of the keywords best describing your inquiry into the search engine at the top of the page and click on enter.Ā  You’ll be provided with a list of content links associated with your search criteria.Ā  Alternatively, click on the Article or links located at the left side of the screen for an organized content.Ā 

Should you be unable to locate the information you are looking for through the Knowledge Base or website, you may direct your inquiry to our J3 support

J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc. (ā€œJ3ā€) exists to make workers safer and businesses better. Two main strategies are learning through training and harnessing the power of technology. The two strategies combined allowed J3 to offer convenience by making available its training courses online where learning is made possible at the studentā€™s pace and in their desired place. For the best learning experience, J3 feels responsible to keep its platform and services orderly and safe for its Students/Users, its course tutors and its staff. Hence, these Terms of Service. These Terms of Service apply to all activities on the J3 online training platform and other related services.

The moment a Student /User signs up, he or she automatically becomes part of the J3 online learning ecosystem where they can gain more by interacting with the course tutors, subject matter experts, thought leaders and other learners in the community. J3 believes that anyone can learn as long as there is motivation and opportunity. J3 provides the opportunity.

J3 depends upon the studentsā€™ motivation to learn and integrity in taking their chosen coursework. In order to participate in J3 training, students are expected to adhere to J3ā€™s honor code and agree to the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

  1. Welcome to J3TCI

Please take time to read these Terms of Service (ā€œTermsā€) and the Privacy Policy prior to signing-up to J3 online training website (j3trainings.com) or using any portion of the J3 website (the ā€œSite,ā€ which consists of all content and pages located within the j3trainings.com web domain), including accessing any course material, chat rooms, or other electronic services.

These Terms and the Privacy Policy serve as agreements (the ā€œAgreementsā€) between a Student/User and J3. By using the Site, a Student/User accepts and agrees to be legally-bound by the Agreements, whether registered user or not. Anyone who does not understand or do not wish to be bound by the Terms of the Service, may not use the Site.

J3 reserves the right to modify these Terms at any time without advance notice. Any changes to these Terms will be effective immediately upon posting on this page, with a corresponding date of effectivity. By accessing the Site after any changes have been made, a Student/User signify his or her agreement on a prospective basis to the modified Terms and all of the changes. It is highly encouraged to periodically visit this page to check for changes or updates and know the latest version of these Terms.

  1. Accreditations of J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc.

J3 is a SEC-registered corporation in the Philippines. It started as a partnership in 2014, incorporated in 2016 with a DOLE-accreditation as Safety Training and Consulting Organization. Initially, J3 focused on providing training for safety officers in the construction and general industries and eventually widened its scope into construction engineering and project management. Aside from DOLE-accreditation, J3 is also accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider.

  1. User accounts

Users of the J3 Site are required to completely fulfil the system requirements. Students/Users must provide their legal name, an email address and a user password in order to create a user account (ā€œUser Accountā€). Students/Users must agree never to divulge or share access or access information related to their User Account with any third party for any reason. In setting up User Account, a student may be required to enter additional information (e.g., address, profession, etc). The student is required to provide accurate and current information and agrees to maintain and regularly update information. Such required information the students provide to J3 shall be used to submit reports to regulatory bodies to facilitate CPD unit credits at the PRC and verification process of the authenticity of the Training Certificate issued by J3, especially for courses required for accreditation and certification with government and professional bodies such as Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for safety and health related courses and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) for construction and project management courses.

The Students/Users take complete responsibility for their account and everything that happens to that account, including any harm or damage (to J3 or anyone else) caused by someone using a studentā€™s account without permission. This means the Student/User is responsible with his or her password. A Student/User must not transfer an account to someone else or use someone elseā€™s account. In case a Student/User contacts J3 to request access to an account, J3 Support Team will not grant access unless a Student/User can provide information that can prove owner ship of the account. In the event of the death of a Student/User, the account will be closed.

A Student/User must notify J3 immediately upon learning that someone else may be using his or her account without permission (or if a Student/User suspects any other breach of security) by contacting theĀ J3 Support Team.Ā  A Student/User may be requested to provide some information to confirm ownership of the account.

Students/Users must be at least 18 years of age to create an account on J3 and use its Services.Ā  J3 will immediately terminate any Student/User account upon knowing that such account was created in violation of the rules set herein. A Student/User can, likewise, terminate his or her account at any time by following the stepsĀ here.

J3 cares about the confidentiality and security of a Studentā€™s/Userā€™s personal information. Please check the Privacy Policy to know what information J3 collects from its Users and how J3 uses such information.

  1. J3 Honor Code

A Student/User agrees to be responsible for his or her own use of the Site, that he or she will use the Site in accordance with these Terms of Use, and Privacy Policy and all applicable national and international laws, rules and regulations, including copyright laws, any laws regarding the transmission of technical data. J3 puts much value on professional honesty and integrity which is expected from all its Service Users. For the guidance of all Students/Users, J3 has put together the Students/Users are allowed and not allowed to do.

4.1Ā Allowed

Students (Users of J3 Services) agree to:

  • comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, data privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, tax laws, and regulatory requirements;
  • provide accurate information to J3 and keep them updated and current;
  • personally take the course and complete all exams without the assistance or help of another person;
  • not complete or submit an exam on behalf of another person;
  • maintain only one User Account and not let anyone else use my username and/or password;
  • not engage in any activity that would dishonestly improve results, or improve or hurt the results of others;
  • not post or distribute answers to exam questions used to assess student performance;
  • not engage in any fraudulent or illegal activity associated with his or her J3TCI account;
  • read all course materials, view course videos and complete quizzes prior to taking the final exams, if any;
  • ask questions when an instructional concept is unclear or not understood;
  • use real name on the profile; and
  • use the J3 Services with integrity and in professional manner.

4.2Ā Not Allowed

Students (Users of J3 Services) agree not to:

  • create a false identity on J3, misrepresent identity, create a member profile for anyone other than self or use or attempt to use otherā€™s account;
  • develop, support or use software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means or processes (including crawlers, browser plugins and add-ons or any other technology) to scrape the Services or otherwise copy profiles and other data from the Services;
  • override any security feature or bypass or circumvent any access controls or use limits of the Service (such as caps on keyword searches or profile views);
  • copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Services, whether directly or through third parties (such as search engines), without the consent of J3;
  • divulge or disclose information the User does not have the consent to disclose;
  • violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other proprietary rights;
  • violate the intellectual property or other rights of J3, including copying or distributing learning videos or other materials, using the word ā€œJ3 ā€œor ā€œJ3TCIā€ or its logos in any business name, email, or URL;
  • post anything that contains software viruses, worms, or any other harmful code;
  • reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or otherwise attempt to derive the source code for the Services;
  • imply or state that you are affiliated with or endorsed by J3 without express consent (e.g., representing yourself as an accredited J3 course tutor/trainer);
  • rent, lease, loan, trade, sell/re-sell or otherwise monetize the Services or related data or access to the same, without J3ā€™s consent;
  • use bots or other automated methods to access the Services, add or download contacts, send or redirect messages;
  • monitor the availability of J3 Services, performance or functionality for any competitive purpose;
  • engage in ā€œframing,ā€ ā€œmirroring,ā€ or otherwise simulating the appearance or function of the Services of J3;
  • overlay or otherwise modify the Services of J3 or their appearance (such as by inserting elements into the Services or removing, covering, or obscuring an advertisement included on the Services); and
  • interfere with the operation of, or place an unreasonable load on, the Services of J3 (e.g., spam, denial of service attack, viruses, gaming algorithms).

Furthermore, Students/Users agree not to scrape, or otherwise download in bulk, any Site content, including but not limited to, course materials. Students/Users also agree not to misrepresent or attempt to misrepresent your identity while using the Site.

Failure to abide by these Terms may result in the suspension of Student/User account, at the sole discretion of J3.Ā  In the event a Studentā€™s/Userā€™s account is suspended for fraudulent or illegal activity, no refunds for any purchases will be given.

  1. Course Enrollment and Lifetime Access

J3 grants its Students/Users a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to access and view the courses and associated content for which a student has paid for, solely for personal, non-commercial, educational purposes through the Services, in accordance with these Terms and any conditions or restrictions associated with a particular courses or feature of the J3 Services. All other uses are expressly prohibited. A Student/User may not reproduce, redistribute, transmit, assign, sell, broadcast, rent, share, lend, modify, adapt, edit, create derivative works of, or use any course unless we give you explicit permission to do so in a written agreement signed by a J3.

J3 grants a lifetime access to the course purchased by a Student/User. However, J3 reserves the right to revoke or deny any access and use courses at any point in time in the event where J3 is obligated to disable access to a course due to legal or policy reasons, for example, the course is the object of a copyright complaint.

  1. Payments and Refunds

A J3 Student/User agrees to use only valid payment method to purchase a course. In the event a Student/User is not happy with the course purchased, J3 offers a hundred percent refund under the conditions in 6.2.

6.1Ā Payments

The rates of training fees posted in J3 website includes taxes and all other fees and is the final amount a student pays at checkout. A Student/User agrees to pay the published rates of the course purchased and authorize J3 to charge a Studentā€™s/Userā€™s debit or credit card for those fees. J3 works with a third party payment processing partner PAYMAYA for convenience and security. Check out the Privacy Policy for more details.

In making a purchase, a Student/User agrees not to use an invalid or unauthorized payment method. If payment fails and a Student/User still gets access to the course, the Student/User agrees to pay J3 the corresponding fees within thirty (30) days of notification from J3 who reserves the right to disable access to any course for which full payment has not been received.

6.2Ā Refund

If, for any reason, a Student/User is not satisfied or has mistakenly purchased a course, J3 may refund the training fees provided that request is sent within 3 days after the purchase and Certificate of Completion has not been issued yet. No refund is due to a Student/User if request is received by J3 beyond the 3-day time limit. However, if a course a Student/User previously purchased is disabled or withdrawn for legal or policy reasons, a Student/User is entitled to a refund beyond this 3-day limit but within the year it is purchased.

It should be understood that once a Student/User returns the Service purchased and the refund has already been issued by J3, the Student/User account will be closed and can no longer be accessed by the Student/User.

  1. Use of Contents on the Site

Unless otherwise expressly stated on the Site, all texts, exams, video, images, exercises and other instructional materials provided are for your personal use in connection with a particular courses only. The Student/User agrees to retain all copyright and other notices on any content obtained from the Site. All rights in the Site and its content, if not expressly granted, are reserved.

  1. Disclaimers of warranty / limitations of liabilities

In unavoidable instances when the J3 platform is down for whatever reason (maintenance, connectivity issues or problem with hosting or security issues), a Student/User agrees not take any action against J3. In legal terms, the Site and any information, content or services made available on or through the Site are provided ā€œas isā€ and ā€œas availableā€ without warranty of any kind (express, implied or otherwise), including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, except insofar as any such implied warranties may not be disclaimed under applicable law.

J3 does not warrant that the Site will operate in an uninterrupted or error-free manner, that the site is free of viruses or other harmful components, or that the courses or content provided will meet Studentā€™s/Userā€™s needs or expectations. J3 also makes no warranty about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or quality of the site or any courses or content, or that any particular courses or content will continue to be made available.

The Student/User assumes the risk related to the use of the Site and the content and services obtained from or through the Site.Ā  Furthermore, access to or download of information, materials or data through the Site or any reference sites is at the discretion and risk of the Student/User who will be solely responsible for any damage to your property (including your computer system) or loss of data that results from the download or use of such material or data. A Student/User fully accepts these risks and agrees not to take action against and to seek damages against even if loss or damage results from out of using the J3 platform and Services. In legal terms, to the extent permitted by law, J3 will not be liable for any indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential damages (including loss of data, revenue, profits, or business opportunities, or personal injury or death), whether arising in contract, warranty, product liability, or otherwise, and even if weā€™ve been advised of the possibility of damages in advance. Liability of J3 to a Student/User or any third parties under any circumstance is limited only to one thousand pesos (PhP1,000) or the amount the Student/User have paid to J3 in (1) month before the event giving rise to the claims. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so some of the above may not apply to you.

8.1Ā Links to Other Sites

The J3 Site may include hyperlinks to websites maintained or controlled by others. J3 is not responsible for and does not routinely screen, approve, review or endorse the contents of or use of any of the products or services that may be offered at these Sites. A Student/User may access linked third-party websites as his or her risk. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, a Student/User agrees that J3 will not be liable for any loss or damages, either actual or consequential, arising out of or relating to these Terms of Service, or the Studentā€™s/Userā€™s (or any third partyā€™s) use of or inability to use the Site, or placement of content on the Site, or reliance upon information obtained from or through the site, whether claim is based in contract, tort, statutory or other law. In particular, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, J3 will not have liability for any consequential, indirect, punitive, special, exemplary or incidental damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable and whether or not J3 has been negligent or otherwise at fault (including, but not limited to, claims for defamation, errors, loss of profits, loss of data or interruption in availability of data).

  1. Indemnification

A Student/User agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify J3 and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, instructors, students, governing board members, agents, and employees from and against any third-party claims, actions or demands arising out of, resulting from, or in any way related to the Studentā€™s/Userā€™s use of the Site, including any liability or expense arising from any and all claims, losses, damages (actual and consequential), suits, judgments, litigation costs and attorneysā€™ fees, of every kind and nature. In such a case, J3 will provide the Student/User with written notice of such claim, suit or action.

  1. Miscellaneous

10.1Ā Termination Rights

A Students/User agrees that J3, in its sole discretion, may terminate a Studentā€™s/Userā€™s use of the Site or participation in it, for any reason or no reason, with or without notice. It is the policy of J3 to terminate, in appropriate circumstances, users of the Site who commit Terms infringement. J3 reserves the right, at any time in their sole discretion, to cancel, delay, reschedule or alter the format of any course offered through J3, or to cease providing any part or all of the Site content or related services, and Student/User agrees that J3 will not have any liability for such an action. A Student/User may, at any time, terminate or discontinue participation in the Site as desired. The rights granted to any Student/User hereunder will terminate upon any termination of right to use the Site but the other provisions of these Terms will survive any such termination.

10.2Ā Entire Agreement

These Terms and the Privacy Policy together constitute the entire agreement between a Student/User and J3TCI with respect to use of the Site, superseding any prior agreements between the Student/User and J3TCI regarding the use of the Site.

10.3Ā Waiver and Severability of TERMS

Any failure of J3 to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any provision of these Terms is found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the partiesā€™ intentions as reflected in the provision and the other provisions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.

10.4Ā Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

Any Student/User agrees that these Terms and any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms or any content or service obtained from or through the Site will be governed by the laws of the Republic of the Philippines, excluding its conflicts of law provisions. A Student/User agrees further that all such claims and disputes will be heard and resolved exclusively in the courts of Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines.Ā  Consent to the personal jurisdiction of those courts over a Student/User for this purpose, is given and waive and agree not to assert any objection to such proceedings in those courts (including any defense or objection of lack of proper jurisdiction or venue or inconvenience of forum).

  1. How to Contact Us

The best way to get in touch with J3 is to contact our Support Team.Ā  We, at J3 would love to hear your questions, concerns, and feedback about our Services.

Thanks for learning with us!

Effective Date:Ā May 23, 2020

Last Updated:Ā June 01, 2020



Welcome to J3 and thank you for joining J3 online learning ecosystem. We at J3 Trainers and Consultants, Inc. (ā€œJ3ā€, ā€œJ3ā€, ā€œweā€, ā€œusā€), care about you and respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use, and share data about you. This Privacy Policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights to access, correct, or restrict our use of your personal data.

Unless we link to a another policy otherwise, this Privacy Policy applies when you visit or use the J3 website, or related services (the ā€œServicesā€).

By using the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. If by any reason you do not agree with the terms contained in this Privacy Policy or any other terms that govern the use of our Services, please do not use our Services.

  1. Introduction

This Privacy Policy discloses the privacy practices for J3 (j3trainings.com). This Privacy Policy applies solely to information collected by this web site. This policy will notify you of the following:

  1. What personally identifiable information is collected from you through the web site, how it is used, and with whom it may be shared.
  2. What options you can take regarding the use of your data.
  3. The security procedures in place to protect the misuse of your information.
  4. How you can correct any inaccuracies in the information.
  5. Information collection, use, and sharing

J3 is the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

J3 will use your information to communicate to you or to respond to your queries/concerns to about our Services and our web site. We will not share your information with any third party outside of our organization, other than as necessary to fulfill your request, e.g. to ship an order, submit transcripts, or inform your employer of your training status.

  1. Data We Collect

When you decide to purchase our Services, we directly collect certain data from you, like information you disclose about yourself, data about your participation in course(s), and data from third-party platforms you connect with J3. We also collect some data automatically, like information about your device and what parts of our Services you interact with or spend time using.

3.1. Data You Provide to Us

We may collect different data from or about you depending on how you use the Services. Below are some examples to help you better understand the data we collect. When you create an account and use our Services, including through a third-party platform, we collect data you provide directly, including:

3.2 Data We Collect through Automated Means

When you access the Services (including browsing courses), we collect certain data by automated means, including:

The data listed above is collected through the use of server log files and tracking technologies, as detailed in the ā€œCookies and Data Collection Toolsā€ section below. It is stored by us and associated with your account.

  1. Your access to and control of your information

You may opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can do the following at any time by contacting us via the email address or phone number given on our website:

  • see what data we have about you, if any;
  • change/correct any data we have about you; (Note: We require verification before making a formal name change to ensure the documents produced by our websites are accurate.)
  • request us to delete any inaccurate information we have about you;
  • request a release of your training certificate to an employer or other institution; and
  • express any concern you have about our use of your data.
  1. Security

Our Students/Users are assured that we take all possible precautions to protect your information entrusted to us. When you submit sensitive information via the website, your information is protected both online and offline.

As a general policy, we do not collect or store any credit card data locally on our computer systems or in paper form. All credit card data collected is stored in an encrypted form by our credit card processor.

We use encryption to protect sensitive information transmitted online. Your information offline is also given the same amount of protection. Only employees (all are to accomplish a Non-Disclosure Agreement with J3) who need the information to perform a specific job (for example, billing or customer service) are granted access to personally identifiable information. The computers/servers in which we store personally identifiable information are kept in a secure environment.

  1. Cookies

ā€œCookiesā€ are used in our website.Ā  A cookie is a piece of data stored on the hard drive. We use these to help us improve your access to our site, (e.g. allowing you to login once and access multiple pages). The cookies we use are destroyed (deleted) when your browser session ends.

Some of our business partners may use cookies on our site (for example, google and advertisers). We use google analytics, remarketing features, and advertising reporting features to learn how visitors use our website and what their general interests are. This allows us to improve our site content to meet the needs of our customers.

  1. Links

Our website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of other sites. We encourage our users to read the Privacy Policy of any site that collects personally identifiable information.

  1. Updates

J3 reserves the right to modify these Privacy Policies at any time without advance notice. Any changes to these Privacy Policies will be effective immediately upon posting on this page, with an updated effective date. By accessing this site after any changes have been made, you signify your agreement on a prospective basis to the modified Privacy Policy and all of the changes. It is highly encouraged to periodically visit this page to check for changes or updates and know the latest version of these Privacy Policies.

  1. Contact information

If you feel we are not abiding by this privacy policy, you should contact us immediately via telephone at (088)851 2167 or by email atĀ [email protected]

Effective Date:Ā May 23, 2020

Last Updated:Ā May 30, 2020


What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored by your browser as you browse the internet. They can be used to collect, store, and share data about your activities across websites, including on J3. Cookies also allow us to remember things about your visits to J3, and to make the site easier to use.

We use both session cookies, which expire after a short time or when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which remain stored in your browser for a set period of time. We use session cookies to identify you during a single browsing session, like when you log into J3. We use persistent cookies where we need to identify you over a longer period, like when you request that we keep you signed in.

Why does J3 use cookies and similar technologies?

We use cookies and similar technologies like web beacons, pixel tags, or local shared objects (ā€œflash cookiesā€), to deliver, measure, and improve our services in various ways. We use these cookies both when you visit our site and services through a browser and through our mobile app. As we adopt additional technologies, we may also gather additional data through other methods.

We use cookies for the following purposes:

For example, cookies help authenticate your access to J3 and prevent unauthorized parties from accessing your accounts.

For example, cookies help us remember your preferred language or the country youā€™re in, so we can provide content in your preferred language without asking each time you visit.

For example, cookies help us test different versions of J3 to see which features or content users prefer, web beacons help us determine which email messages are opened, and cookies help us see how you interact with J3, like the links you click on.

We also work with a number of analytics partners, including Google Analytics, who use cookies and similar technologies to help us analyze how users use the Services, including by noting the sites from which you arrive. Those service providers may either collect that data themselves or we may disclose it to them.

What are my privacy options?

You have a number of options to control or limit how we and our partners use cookies:

  • Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can change your browser settings to decline cookies by consulting your browserā€™s support articles. If you decide to decline cookies, please note that you may not be able to sign in, customize, or use some interactive features in the Services.
  • Flash cookies operate differently than browser cookies, so your browserā€™s cookie-management tools may not remove them. To learn more about how to manage Flash cookies, see Adobeā€™sĀ article on managing flash cookiesandĀ Website Storage Settings panel.
  • For general information about targeting cookies and how to disable them, visitĀ allaboutcookies.org.
  • Updates & Contact Info

From time to time, we may update this Cookie Policy. If we do, weā€™ll notify you by posting the policy on our site with a new effective date. If we make any material changes, weā€™ll take reasonable steps to notify you in advance of the planned change.Ā 

If you have any questions about our use of cookies, please email us atĀ Ā [email protected]

  1. ClickĀ Sign UpĀ at the top right. Enter your email address, position, and a unique password.Ā 
  2. Select whether you wish to receive promotional emails and recommendations from J3.Ā 
  3. ClickĀ Sign Up.


  1. Check the activation link which was sent to your registered email.
  2. OpenĀ Activate your accountĀ email, then click theĀ Confirm NowĀ button.
  3. Fill-in all the blank fields toĀ complete your profileĀ andĀ do not use aliases. Then clickĀ save. (Very important since we issue a Certificate of Completion)

Complete your profile (very important since we issue certificate, so no aliases)

To upload (or edit) your cover photo, click theĀ +Ā sign of your profile page (see the image below) then upload a photo from your computer. Once itā€™s uploaded, you can crop it, if necessary, and then clickĀ Apply.

To upload (or edit) your cover photo, click theĀ +Ā sign of your profile page (see the image below) then upload a photo from your computer. Once itā€™s uploaded, you can crop it, if necessary, and then clickĀ Apply.


  1. ClickĀ Log inĀ at the top right corner of the page.
  2. Enter the credentials you used to register (username/email address and password).
  3. ClickĀ Log in.

Note:Ā If you did not register yet, you can click theĀ Register linkĀ below the button.


If youā€™re accessing your J3 account from a public or shared device, be sure to log out of your account when youā€™re finished studying.Ā 

1. You can logout anytime, by clicking theĀ LogoutĀ link at the top right corner of the website. (See the image below)

  1. Click yourĀ Profile ImageĀ at the top right of the page.
  2. Click theĀ Settings IconĀ at the bottom right side of your Cover photo to navigate the page.
  3. To edit your profile bio, simply type what you want to appear about you. Next, clickĀ SaveĀ at the bottom of the page.

J3 wants you toĀ complete your profileĀ including submission of photos since we will be issuing aĀ Certificate of CompletionĀ for all trainings offered by J3, as required in our reports of the following agency:

  • OSHC for those taking OSH CoursesĀ  in Accreditation of Safety Officers
  • Professionals taking the CPD courses by Professional Regulation Commission
  • Training requirement by DPWH in accreditation of contractors Project Engineers


J3 has installed security protocols to keep your account secure but you need to do precautionary measures to protect your account and reduce its likelihood to be compromised.

Create a Strong Password

Choosing a strong and unique password is an extremely effective way to protect your account and prevent unauthorized access. While selecting a password for your account, we strongly recommend you to consider the following:

  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long. Remember that longer passwords are always better since they are harder to crack.
  • The best passwords are longer and contain a mix of letters, numbers, symbols (e.g. #, !, &), uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • Passwords should be unique to you andĀ should not contain:Ā 
  • Sequential letters or numbers (e.g. abcdefgh, 12345678)
  • Repeating letters or numbers (e.g. dddddddd, 88888888)
  • Words that are commonly used in the dictionary or across the internet
  • Words related to our site (e.g. ā€œJ3ā€)
  • Your own name or email address, or words you might use on your social media accounts like your location or favorite team
  • Donā€™t use obvious numbers (for example, donā€™t use numbers that are in your birthday or phone number)
  • Create a unique password for each account and service you have, rather than using the same password for each site, especially if there have been security breaches with those passwords. This way if one of your accounts is compromised, then that password cannot be used to gain access to your other accounts.
  • Rather than creating your own complex password, use a browser plug-in, system keychain, or third-party password manager to create and store complex passwords.

Change Your Password Periodically

We also recommend changing your password periodically, as this is another great way to keep your account secure. When you change your password, we recommend creating a new one, rather than using a password youā€™ve already used.

More Tips to Protect Your Account

In addition to selecting a strong and unique password, there are several other simple ways you can protect your account, and greatly reduce the likelihood of it being compromised.

  • If youā€™re accessing your J3 account from a public or shared device, be sure to log out your account when youā€™re finished studying.
  • Always log in at . Check the URL of the page before you enter your login info if youā€™re unsure. In addition, you can also type j3trainings.com directly http://j3trainings.com into your browser.
  • Do not write down or store your password in your files or online accounts.
  • Do not share your J3 account or account credentials with others.
  • If a computer or mobile device you used to access your J3 account is lost, stolen or you prefer to use another device, initiate a password reset email.

You can change the email address that you have registered to your account at any time. This article explains how you can change your email log in and answers to some of the commonly asked questions we receive regarding account and email addresses.

How to change your accountā€™s email address

  1. Move your cursor to your profile image at the top right of the page
  2. ClickĀ AccountĀ tab in the left side menu
  3. Enter the new email and your old password.
  4. ClickĀ Update Account

This article outlines how you can close your J3 account. If youā€™re having trouble with the site, or if thereā€™s anything we can help you with before you close your account, please contactĀ J3 Support. ā€‹

Please note that by closing your J3 account you will lose access to all the courses youā€™ve enrolled in, including purchased courses. If a course was purchased within the past 3 days, however, you canĀ request a refundĀ before closing your account. We donā€™t accept a refund request if you have completed your course and were issued a certificate.

For a complete list of the information we collect and how it is used, please refer to ourĀ Privacy and Cookie Policy.

How to Close Your J3 Account

*Please read the note carefully, since you cannot retrieved your account once it will be closed.

Each course is created, owned and managed by J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc. A SEC registered corporation, accredited by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) as:

  • Safety Training organization (STO) with Accreditation No. 1030-011218-0087;
  • Safety Consulting Organization (SCO) with Accreditation No. 1030-071317-OSHC-010; and
  • Heavy Equipment Testing Organization (HETO) with Accreditation No. 1410-19041219-0028.

Accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provider with Accreditation No. 2017-006 for Civil Engineers and 2017-014 for Architects.

J3 is a Partner of Construction Manpower Development Foundation (CMDF).

Our trainings include, Occupational Safety and Health, Construction Engineering, Construction Project Management and DPWH Project Engineers Exam Review.

J3TCI courses have quizzes, practice tests, as a way to enhance the learning experience of students. To get a sense of what these lectures and features look like you may take some of our FREE courses.

How do I take a J3 course?

J3 courses are entirely on-demand, which means that you can enroll in the courses that interest you and learn at your own pace. You can begin the course whenever you like, and there are no deadlines to complete it.

After you enroll in a course, you can access it by clicking on the course link you will receive in your confirmation email, provided youā€™re logged into your J3 account. You can also begin the course by logging in and navigating to yourĀ My CoursesĀ page.

For steps on how to log into your J3 account, please clickĀ here.

How long do I have to complete a J3 course?

There are no deadlines to begin or complete the course. Even after you complete the course, you will continue to have access to it, provided that your accountā€™s in good standing. To learn more about our Lifetime Access policy, please clickĀ here.

Is J3 an accredited institution?

J3 is an accredited institution for the following:

  1. OSHC for safety and Health
  2. PRC for CPD courses
  3. Project Engineer Accreditation of DPWH

J3 offers skills-based courses developed by experts in their field, and every paid course will be issued aĀ J3 certificate of completionĀ which can be printed. Issued Certificates are recognized by DOLE-OSHC and PRC since J3 is an accredited online training provider.

Is there any way to preview a course?

No! If youā€™re not sure if a course is right for you, you can view the course content since it is viewable in full detail. Ā 

What if I donā€™t like the course I purchased?

We want you to be satisfied. If you are not happy with the course that you have enrolled, you can request a full refund within 3 days of purchasing the course. For more information on our refund policy, please click here.

Still have questions?

If you have any other questions about J3, you can contact J3 Support by clickingĀ here.

One of the best things about J3 is that you can log in your account virtually anywhere and anytime you want and access your course easily! We strongly believe that students will benefit from the limitless educational possibilities this feature presents.

Once you enroll in a course, youā€™ll have access for life, provided that your account is in good standing. You have the freedom to learn at your own pace. J3 is your learning partner and this platform is designed for you to learn what and when you want.

Will I continue to have access to the course even after I complete it?

Yes, you can access your account and the courses you have completed as long as your account is in good standing. If you wish to review specific content in the course after you finish it.

Will my courses be removed from J3?

On rare occasions, J3 maybe required to remove a course from the platform for following policy and legal agreement. It is recommended that you download the Certificate of Completion after completing the course. This will be used for your future transaction with J3 if needed. If this does happen to a course youā€™re enrolled in, pleaseĀ contact usĀ and weā€™ll be ready to help.

One of the best things about J3 is that you can log in your account virtually anywhere and anytime you want and access your course easily! We strongly believe that students will benefit from the limitless educational possibilities this feature presents.Once you enroll in a course, youā€™ll have access for life, provided that your account is in good standing. You have the freedom to learn at your own pace. J3 is your learning partner and this platform is designed for you to learn what and when you want.

Will I continue to have access to the course even after I complete it?

Yes, you can access your account and the courses you have completed as long as your account is in good standing. If you wish to review specific content in the course after you finish it.

Will my courses be removed from J3?

On rare occasions, J3 maybe required to remove a course from the platform for following policy and legal agreement. It is recommended that you download the Certificate of Completion after completing the course. This will be used for your future transaction with J3 if needed. If this does happen to a course youā€™re enrolled in, pleaseĀ contact usĀ and weā€™ll be ready to help.

The Free Course Experience

Free online courses of J3 offer the learners a simplified learning experience. This experience in free courses is limited versus the paid course because paid courses are issued with a certificate of completion with added features on Q & A and direct messaging.

If you want access to these additional features, we recommend that you enroll in a paid course (note: students who enroll in paid courses via promotional coupons, gifting option or J3 credits will also have access to all the course features).

If you have enrolled in a free course prior to March 17, 2020 you will retain your access to Q&A and your certificate of completion for those free courses only. All new enrollment in free courses on March 17, 2020 and beyond, will not have access to these additional features.

Give Feedback

Your feedback will likely improve your own understanding of the course and for our improvement as well.

Completing Your Assignment and Viewing Your Feedback

Once you have submitted your assignment and you have navigated through each section of theĀ Learning EvaluationĀ page, the assignment will be marked as complete by clicking theĀ Mark CompleteĀ button.

Practice Test FAQs

Are you ready to pass the certification exam youā€™ve been preparing for? Find out by testing yourself with J3ā€™s new practice test feature. The practice tests provide an entire examā€™s worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and confidence that you need to take the certification exam.

The practice test are timed, so youā€™ll know when youā€™re taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youā€™ll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youā€™ll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam.

Here are some of the frequently asked questions we expect from students regarding this new and exciting feature.

How will I know which courses offer these exams?

If a course includes a practice test you will see ā€œPractice Testsā€ posted on the course content of a course.

Note that the courses that have ā€œPractice Testsā€ in the title only contain practice tests.

Is there an additional charge to take the practice test?

No. If a course offers a practice test it is included in the course that you purchase. You need not pay any additional fee to take the practice test.

Can I take the practice test more than once?

Absolutely. Just like our quiz feature, you can go back and retake the practice exam as many times as you wish.

Once you have completed the exam, the option to ā€œRetake Testā€ Ā ā€ will appear or you may continue on the next step of the course. Just click on that and you can retake the practice test.

Will I be notified if I take longer than the time allotted to complete the exam?

Yes. The practice tests include a timer, which is set to match the same amount of time thatā€™s allowed for the official, certifying exam. If you consume more time than the allotted time, the practice test will alert you and will directly submit your answers finish or unfinished.

Do I have to finish the exam once Iā€™ve started it? Or can I pause it and return to the practice test later?

Do not refresh or press the back button on your browser. Your exam will be lost and you will be required to start over. Once you start the test, you must finish it.

How do I submit my answer for the question?

Once youā€™ve selected the answer you wish to enter, click onĀ NextĀ PageĀ at the bottom right of the practice test screen.

You can also click on theĀ ā€œPrevious Pageā€Ā button at the bottom left, if you would like to review the previous questions before you click the ā€œFinish Quizā€ button.

Will the practice test show my final score?

Yes. When youā€™ve completed the practice test your final score will be posted. In addition, the ratio of correct answers versus incorrect answers you entered will be shown. You can also review all your answers by clicking on ā€œReview Questionsā€.

Can I review my answers?

Yes. You can review all the answers you submitted by clicking on ā€œReview Questionsā€ button after youā€™ve completed an exam, and see which questions you got right or wrong.

Do practice test-only courses offer Certificates of Completion?

No. Courses that only include practice tests, and no other curriculum items like lectures, quizzes etc, do not offer a Certificate of Completion.

If you have any additional questions regarding the practice tests please contact ourĀ support team.

When all the curriculum items of a course have been completed and you passed the Final Exam, your Certificate of Completion will automatically be generated andĀ Print Your CertificateĀ button will appear in your screen, indicating the Certificate of Completion is ready.

Certificates can be saved as a .pdf file by clicking ā€œPrint your certificateā€ button and you can directly print your certificate if your computer is attached to a printer with a certificate paper ready. In addition, you can also download your certificate at the homepage of the course you enrolled in.

The certificate will look something like this:

Certificates of Completion can be accessed at J3trainings.com and the mobile site, but not through the mobile apps. If youā€™ve completed a course on the mobile app please log at J3trainings.com through a browser to access your certificate.

If you want to view your certificate even after taking the course, you can see your Certificate of Completion anytime by clicking yourĀ Profile, then navigate toĀ My CourseĀ menu, in My Course menu you will be able to see the Courses you enrolled in (complete or incomplete). You will notice that a course is complete because you will see aĀ certificate iconĀ and complete label at the left side of the course title. Then, you can click the certificate icon to view your Certificate on a specific course you have completed. (See image below)

Certificate of completion: commonly asked questions

Below are commonly asked questions we receive regarding J3ā€™s certificates of completion.

I finished my course but I still canā€™t access my certificate of completion. How come?

In order to receive your Certificate of Completion, each curriculum item must be marked as complete and you need to pass the exams. Double-check the course content to make sure each lecture and course item has a checkmark beside it and is marked as complete.

For steps on how to manually mark a lecture as complete, please clickĀ here.

Iā€™ve completed my course and passed the exams, but when I click on it, I canā€™t see a certificate. Why?

Occasionally, the system may need a few moments to generate a Certificate of Completion, after a course has been completed. Wait a couple of minutes. You may also need to refresh the page, or clear your cache and cookies, in order to see your certificate.

Do all courses offer certificates of completion?

No. Only paid and approved courses offer a Certificate of Completion.Ā Free courses and courses that only include practice tests do not give or issue a Certificate of Completion.

If you have enrolled in a free course prior to March 17, 2020 you will retain access to your Certificate of Completion for the free courses only.

How can I change the language of my certificate of completion?

Certificates of Completion are generated in the same language that is set for your account. If you need to change the language of your certificate please contact ourĀ J3 support.

My certificate has my accountā€™s username on it, instead of my real name. How can I change it?

Certificates of Completion are generated using whatever name you entered when you created your J3 account. If you need to change the certificateā€™s name, please contact ourĀ support team.

Our support team will send you an email once the changes has been done. Please note that it may take few minutes to update the certificateā€™s name. You may need to refresh the page in order to see your updated certificate.

To check the changes you made in your Certificate name, go toĀ My CoursesĀ menu, then click once again the certificate icon of the courses you enrolled and completed in.


Can I change the formatting of my certificate of completion? Or add an image?

Unfortunately, certificates are created using a template, and there is no way to change the formatting for them at this time. If you would like to submit this as a feature request, please do so byĀ contacting us.Ā Ā 

Hardcopy of Certificate with company seal?

Included in the training package are: 1. certificate (which can be downloaded and printed after finishing the course), 2. student manual (soft copy), and 3) lifetime access to the course. Instead of seal, we use QR Code.

  • Does not include ID

Our certificate of completion the same with TESDA certificate?

Our certificate is evidence that the student satisfactorily finished the training. TESDA Certificate indicates Competency of a particular skill.

How to Leave a Review

There are three pages you can visit to leave a review:

  1. From the Learning Evaluation Survey before you take the Final Exam (Part of the Course)
  2. Leaving a testimonial by clickingĀ TestimonialsĀ Quick Links in the Footer.
  3. After you have completed the course and have your Certificate of Completion, you can click theĀ Provide your FeedbackĀ button to leave a review.

All of these reviews will be visible to the instructor and other students, but if you update your review, only your latest changes will be visible. If you do not wish to leave a review when youā€™re prompted, you can ignore the message.

What to Include in Your Review

Whether you decide to leave a review after youā€™ve been prompted or you initiate the review yourself, the process is the same.

  1. After clicking onĀ Give Feedback, select how many stars you wish to leave in the ratingĀ (half-stars are supported for ratingsĀ aboveĀ 1 star).
  2. Leave a detailed review explaining your experiences.
  3. ClickĀ Send FeedbackĀ to submit your rating.

After you publish your review, youĀ can quickly let your friends, relatives or co-workers know about the course by clicking theĀ Share iconĀ below in your review, then select the platform you wish your review to appear.

Edit or Delete a Review

You can change your course review any time by scrolling down the course homepage. You will see at the bottom theĀ Rating and ReviewsĀ section after the course content.

  1. Click theĀ Edit Your ReviewĀ button.
  2. Next, clickĀ Edit ReviewĀ orĀ DeleteĀ button.
  3. Make the desired changes.
  4. ClickĀ Save and ContinueĀ 

Ā If you would like to delete your review, however, click ā€œDeleteā€.

Your review will be visible to students who are not enrolled in the course. If you like to see your review as it appears to new students, log out from your J3 account and search for a course in the courses menu.

Tips for Writing a Good Review

Here are few things you should keep in mind when writing a review for a course:

Tell us why.Ā In addition to leaving a star rating, please share your thoughts. Ā Your opinion about the course is valuable to other students. If you only have a star rating, itā€™s difficult for other students to understand the meaning of your rating.

Be specific.Ā Specificity helps other students determine if the course is the right one for them. Are there any areas of improvement? Ā Did the course meet your expectations? What are your favorite parts of the course so far? Ā Ā 

And Be Honest!Ā Ā Reviews are one of the most important features that students consider before enrolling in a course. Ā However, reviews are only valuable if youā€™re honest about how you feel about the course. Ā As long as you share your sentiment in a respectful manner, your feedback is valuable and helpful in the marketplace.

Review Guidelines

Not all reviews are considered appropriate. Please read through ourĀ rules and guidelines for more information

You need to manually mark the lesson as complete when you are really sure that you understand the topic or lesson. However, if the lesson includes a video, you need to watch the whole video first before you can clickĀ Mark Complete.

Lectures Marked as Complete

Lectures that have been completed will have a checkmark beside the lecture title in the course content.Ā If the circle is blank, however, then the lecture is not marked as complete. Besides, you canā€™t proceed to the next lesson if you did not fully understand the lesson and mark as complete.

How to Mark a Lecture as Complete

Before you can proceed or continue to the next topic or lesson, you need to mark the topic you are done with by clicking theĀ Mark completeĀ located below or at the upper right corner of the course content.

Unmarking Lectures as Complete

You cannot unmark the lessons you already mark as complete, however, you can go back to the lessons anytime you want.

The primary purpose of student reviews in J3trainings.com is to help prospective students evaluate if a course matches in their learning goals. Our review system empowers students to find and enroll in the courses that are most likely fit their needs. Written reviews also provide the authors with direct feedback which can help them improve the content.

In order for the review system to be effective, students must trust that the system is fair and that J3trainings.com is a neutral party. Anyone can flag reviews, but J3trainings.com will only delete them if they meet the specific, objective criteria outlined below:

1. Reviews removed by Spam Filter:Ā Ā J3trainings.com scans all student ratings and reviews to identify those that are likely to be inauthentic. We incorporate many data points to ensure course feedback reflects the engaged, unbiased opinions of learners with a genuine interest in the course material.

If you believe that a review has been removed incorrectly, you can let us know atĀ [email protected]. While we are unable to provide any details about the filter, we will investigate to confirm that everything is working as intended.

2.Ā Negative reviews reported as policy abuse:Ā Anyone on J3tranings.com can report a review as an abuse of J3trainings policy, at which point our team will examine whether the review meets one of the criteria that warrants removal.Ā 

3.Ā Reviews acquired improperly:Ā J3trainings.com are expected to follow the rules against manipulating or influencing reviews, as well as the spirit of the review system as a tool for students to help each other evaluate the courses.

All our training and online course is under Self-Directed Process.

After you attend our training, you will get a certificate and downloadable program that you can useĀ in applying forĀ CPDĀ at PRC using a Self-directed process or Lifelong learning for their assessment of how muchĀ CPDĀ units you will earn based on the training hours and relevance to your profession.

Under professional activities are conference, seminar/workshop/colloquium, in-service training, webinar, tutorial, study tour/plant visit, exhibit, poster presentation, program/module development, publication, invention, consultancy, and recognition/award/title.

Under volunteer engagement activities are medical mission/outreach program, environmental initiative, livelihood program, disaster/calamity assistance, service to worthy projects, and CSR projects.

PreviousReview System Guidelines
NextHow to Enroll COSH for SO2, BOSH for SO2, and BOSH for SO1?
  1. Sorry, the unlike button accidentally touched and cannot be removed. I like the program and will plan for my schedule.

Technology Requirements

Secure a laptop or desktop with audio and video. Ensure that the internet connection is stable and download Zoom App.

Is it ok to use cellphone while taking the course?

If possible, use laptop or desktop in taking the course as it provides multiple browsing.

How to Enroll

Sign Up atĀ j3trainings.comĀ and complete your profile, then wait for account verification.

Follow this guide:Ā j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/how-to-sign-up/

How much is the Fee?

Ā New RatesĀ effective JulyĀ  1, 2021
Construction Occupational Safety and Health (COSH) for SO2ā‚± šŸÆ,5šŸ¬šŸ¬
Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) for SO2ā‚± šŸÆ,5šŸ¬šŸ¬
Basic Occupational Safety and Health (BOSH) for SO1ā‚± šŸ­,2šŸ¬šŸ¬

What are the inclusions?

You will be given a soft copy of Student Manual (for BOSH SO2 and COSH SO2) via .pdf file and a Certificate of Completion once you have completed the course.

What is the difference between SO1 and SO2?

SO1Ā is the course required for a person to qualify as Safety Officer 1 required for low-risk establishments.Ā SO2Ā is the course required for a person to qualify as Safety Officer 2 required for medium to high-risk establishments.

A person can take SO2 without taking SO1.

How much CPD How much CPD Points will I earn? (For License Professionals)

To know more about CPD points, please click here:Ā j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/how-many-cpd-points-i-will-earn/

Are you authorized by DOLE?

Yes we are, to know more please click here:Ā Interim Accreditation to conduct mandatory OSH training on-line

See the attached documents below:

How to buy the Course?

To buy the course, please follow this guide:Ā j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/payment-terms/

Note: You must be a registered and verified user before you can buy a course.

Pre Course Orientation

Once paid, a written Pre Course Orientation will be sent to your email.

Note: Read and follow the instructions in Pre Course Orientation.

Submit Sworn Affidavit

A Sworn Affidavit Document will be found in the first lesson of the course. This is to honor that you are personally taking the course without help from others.

You need to upload it back the signed & scanned or electronically signed copy of the file to the first lesson of the course.

Note: You will only be given access to the course after you have submitted a signed Sworn Declaration.

Take the course & Complete all the lessons and topics

Once you have the access to the module, the course will be made available for 30 days except for SO1 which is available only for 5 days. It is the directive of the DOLE-OSH Center to conduct surveillance to the students during the whole duration of taking the course. Thus every time you will access the course, you are required to join the J3 virtual zoom training room (12 pm -10 pm, Monday to Sunday) provided by the team. This is discussed in the written Pre Course Orientation. You can take the course at your own pace as long as it will be finished within the given time frame.

Reminder: You are not allowed to take the course beyond the time frame (12 pm -10 pm, Monday to Sunday) or else, your certificate will be invalidated since you took the course outside the prescribed surveillance by DOLE-OSH Center.

Pass all knowledge reviews

You need to pass all the knowledge reviews given every after topic. The review can be taken again in case your score will not reach the passing mark.

Pass the final exam (80%)

The final exam will be a comprehensive quiz of all the topics taken in the course. You need to get the 80% passing mark to complete the course. The final exam is also retakable.


The last and final step before you will obtain the certification is to complete the feedback form for the course. J3 Trainers and Consultants value your feedback. Your feedback will help us in providing better and more quality services in the future.

Print Certification

An auto-generated certificate will be downloadable on the website upon passing the required score and filling-out the feedback form.

How to Take the Course?

Follow this guide:Ā j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/taking-the-course/

Where can I download my Certificate?

Follow this guide:j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/certificate-of-completion/

What if Iā€™m not satisfied to the course?

We offer a refund if you are not satisfied to our course, to know more please read our Refund PolicyĀ j3trainings.com/frequently-ask-questions-faq/refund-acourse/

J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc.Ā is in the list of DOLE-Accredited Safety Training Organizations granted with interim accreditation to conduct mandatory OSH training on-line.


BOSH for SO1Ā qualifies a person to function as Safety Officer 1 in low-risk establishments that are required to have Safety Officer 1 (SO1). TheĀ 40-hour BOSH, on the other hand, qualifies a person to function as Safety Officer 2 in general industries. The 40-hour BOSH is also a requirement for a person to apply for OSH practitioner and consultant accreditation.

  • BOSH for SO2 is for general industries
  • COSH for SO2 is for the construction industry

SO1 is not a prerequisite of SO2. You may take SO2 without an SO1.

How to be a Safety Practitioner?

Please read here:Ā https://www.oshc.dole.gov.ph/content/announcement/34-accreditation/109-occupational-safety-and-health-practitioners-and-consultants

How to become Safety Officer 3

Refer to Section 3 (v), (w), (x) and (y) of RA 198 s. 2018Ā https://www.oshc.dole.gov.ph/images/Files/DO-198-Implementing-Rules-and-Regulations-of-Republic-Act-No_-11058-An-Act-Strengthening-Compliance-with-Occupational-Safety-and-Health-Standards-and-Providing-Penalties-for-Violations-Thereof.pdf

Are you TESDA accredited?

No. We are a Safety Training Organization accredited with DOLE.

Why is the accreditation # in your certificate is different from the authorized document accreditation # by DOLE?

We are an accredited STO by DOLE with an accreditation number. However, during the pandemic, we were given an Interim Accreditation to conduct our training programs online. The Interim Accreditation has another number, thus, the two Accreditation Numbers.

Since I already completed BOSH/COSH SO2, can I teach about Safety and give them a certificate?

Only Safety Practitioners and Consultants accredited by DOLE-OSH Center can conduct Safety training with a Certificate issued only by a Safety Training Organization or STO. If interested, you can join or affiliate with an STO who can issue the certificate.

What are the requirements in taking BOSH for SO1, BOSH for SO2, and COSH for SO2?

  • No requirement. Anyone can join our training.
  • For advanced courses, it is better that you need to complete first the 40-hour BOSH or COSH before you proceed as required

Our Online Courses can be taken anytime, anywhere 7 days a week.

Except for the following:

Course TitleAccessĀ (Must be completed within)
BOSH for SO15 days
BOSH for SO230 days
COSH for SO230 days

Students who enrolled in these courses can take the course at their own pace as long as it will be finished within the given time frame.

Once you have the access to the module, the course will be made available for 30 days except for SO1 which is available only for 5 days. It is the directive of the DOLE-OSH Center to conduct surveillance of the students during the whole duration of taking the course. Thus every time you will access the course, you are required to join the J3 virtual zoom training room (1 pm -10 pm, Monday to Sunday) provided by the team. This is discussed in the written Pre Course Orientation. You can take the course at your own pace as long as it will be finished within the given time frame.

Reminder:Ā You are not allowed to take the course beyond the time frame (12 pm -10 pm, Monday to Sunday), or else, your certificate will be invalidated since you took the course outside the prescribed surveillance by DOLE-OSH Center.

How to Authenticate My J3 Online Certificate?

To authenticate the certificates that were issued to our graduates, we use a QR code instead of a seal.

To check/verify that your certificate is truly issued by J3, please download your certificate and click the QR code. You will be redirected to ourĀ Verification pageĀ where you will see Your Name, the Title of the Course you have completed, and the date that your certificate was released.

The other way to verify your certificate is toĀ Download QR Code AppĀ in your App store. Then, Scan the QR code in your certificate to verify.

J3 TCI only issues training certificates. IDs are issued by DOLE for Safety Practitioners and Consultants only. If you are employed, your company HR will designate you as Safety Officer based on your certificate.

REFERRAL PROGRAM: Give 5%, enjoy 2%

How can I participate in the Referral Program?

Invite a friend to take any of our Online Courses by sharing via Facebook, Twitter or Email and that friend will get 5% OFF as welcome discount, while you get 2% advocate fee on your friendā€™s first order. Note that this scheme will only be applicable if the referred person will make a purchase within 30 days after getting the invitation.

How will I redeem my advocate fee(s)?

Your accumulated advocate fees will be automatically applied as discount to your next purchase from us.


How can I earn my rewards and points?

You earn an equivalent of 10% of the fee of the course you purchase from us.

(Example: You get P300.00 reward for taking COSH valued at P3,000.00).

How I can I redeem my reward points?

Your reward points will be automatically applied to the next course you purchase from us.

(Example: You only pay P450.00 if you purchase Scaffolding Safety valued at P750.00).

When a new user of j3trainings.comĀ buys a course with your referral code, he/she willĀ get 5% DiscountĀ and you willĀ earn 2% CreditsĀ once successfully paid. You can use your Earned Credits in your next purchase. The more referrals you make the more Credits you will earn.

Who is Eligible to Join?
Everyone who is a verified user in our website: j3trainings.com will find a new menu in oneā€™s Dashboard ā€“ Referrals and Points.

How do I Participate?
Go to your Dashboard ā€“ Referrals and Points menu. You will see the Share via Email, Facebook, Twitter, and Whatsapp button.

How to share my Referral Link?
Tap on the Share button to get your referral link. Share it to everyone you know, friend or foe, and have them enroll in any course available at our website.

What does my Friend have to Do?
Upon receiving the Referral Code, they need to register in our website and use the referral code to avail of the Discount in purchasing a course.

How to Check my Rewards?
Go back to the ā€œDashboard- Referrals and Pointsā€ menu and click ā€œView My Store Creditsā€ button, you will see the status of your referrals.

When Will I Get my Rewards?
Once the purchase of your friend is paid and complete, the system will automatically detect this and your 2% rewards will be credited to your account.

J3 Certificate e-signature is as good as original signature.

Under REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8792 June 14, 2000

Section 8. Legal Recognition of Electronic Signatures. ā€“ An electronic signature on the electronic document shall be equivalent to the signature of a person on a written document if that signature is proved by showing that a prescribed procedure, not alterable by the parties interested in the electronic document, existed under which ā€“

(a) A method is used to identify the party sought to be bound and to indicate said partyā€™s access to the electronic document necessary for his consent or approval through the electronic signature;

(b) Said method is reliable and appropriate for the purpose for which the electronic document was generated or communicated, in the light of all circumstances, including any relevant agreement;

(c) It is necessary for the party sought to be bound, in or order to proceed further with the transaction, to have executed or provided the electronic signature; and

(d) The other party is authorized and enabled to verify the electronic signature and to make the decision to proceed with the transaction authenticated by the same.

Section 9. Presumption Relating to Electronic Signatures ā€“ In any proceedings involving an electronic signature, it shall be presumed that ā€“

(a) The electronic signature is the signature of the person to whom it correlates; and

(b) The electronic signature was affixed by that person with the intention of signing or approving the electronic document unless the person relying on the electronically signed electronic document knows or has noticed of defects in or unreliability of the signature or reliance on the electronic signature is not reasonable under the circumstances.

OSH modular Courses

We only offer modular format for BOSH SO1, BOSH SO2, and COSH SO2. It follows that these courses do not have a schedule like webinars, for the reason that we aim to provide flexibility and convenience. Allowing our customers to take these courses; from 12nn-10pm everyday within 7 days for SO1 and 30 days for SO2, accordingly.

Modular courses

All other courses, aside from BOSH and COSH, which are offered in modular format are also not scheduled. Giving our customers a more convenient and more flexible way to learn. These courses can be taken at your most suitable time.

Currently, J3 collect payment online through Paypal/ Credit/ Debit/ Visa/ Master Card /Bank Transfer/ Office Visit and BUX payment. This article directs you on how to purchase a course in J3.

If you wish to purchase a course, please follow the steps below:

  1. After you find the course you wish to enroll in, clickĀ Buy this CourseĀ on the course landing page

2. You will be directed to theĀ CheckoutĀ page,

Choose PayPal / Credit Card/ Debit Card if you want to pay online.

Choose Bank Payment if you want to pay offline (thru Bank Deposit or Office Visit)

Note:Ā If you choose Bank Payment as the payment option, you need to send your proof of payment atĀ [email protected]Ā then our Finance will verify your payment during Banking days only (Mon-Fri, 8:00 AM ā€“ 5:00 PM)

Then, clickĀ Proceed to PayPalĀ orĀ Place OrderĀ to complete the process,

Note: You can pay with your Credit/Debit Card if you donā€™t have a PayPal Account.

International Credit Cards and Local Debit Cards:Ā We accept most major international credit and debit cards like Visa and MasterCard.

If you choose BUX payment (Payment Option #3) ā€“Ā 7-Eleven/Bayad Center/Cebuana Lhuillier/ECPay/LBC/Robinsons Dept Store/Ruralnet/SM Department / Supermarket Savemore Counter/Expresspay (ECPay)/RD Pawnshop/Palawan Pawnshop/Pay&Go/DA5

IfĀ 7 Eleven, you just need to show the barcode found on the receipt which was sent to your email.

If through other over the counter channels, customers need to get a payment slip from the branch and fill it out.
Write the following on the payment slip:

  • Ā  Ā Ā DRAGONPAYĀ as the biller name
  • Ā  Ā  Exact reference number should be provided. If the reference number is incorrect, the transaction will not be accepted.
  • Ā  Ā  Ensure that the correct full name is provided as seen on the receipt.
  • Ā  Ā  Provide the correct amount as indicated on the receipt. Itā€™s important that the amount provided is correct for the transaction to push through.
  • Ā  Ā  Mobile number should be provided to ensure that we can contact the customers immediately in the event that there are issues on the transactions

Instructions are also provided on the instructional receipt sent to your email by Bux. Please note to bring a valid ID if you are paying in any payment centers of your choice.

We want you to be satisfied. Your first purchase of a course at j3trainings.com can be refunded. For whatever reason, if you are not happy with the first course, you can request for a refund. However, you can only return your very first purchased course. You can request a refund at anytime not later than 3 days provided that you have not started the course yet. Otherwise, we will not approve your request.

All our training is carefully studied with quality from the very first module that we developed. If you are satisfied with your first, we guarantee that you will be satisfied with all the subsequent training.

Most refunds are returned via the original payment method. Please note that you will be refunded with the amount that you have paid but we will deduct from the said amount the transaction fee, which ranges from PHP 15.00 TO PHP 25.00, depending on the bank/payment method as decided by you.

Updated: May 5, 2022

You can quickly request a refund by contacting ourĀ support team. When you submit a refund request, please be sure to include the course you are enrolled with.

If you are not satisfied with your 1st, then we cannot satisfy you with the rest of our training programs. After you file the refund, we will close your account and we can no longer accept your enrollment in the future training of J3.

I requested a refund more than 10 business days ago, but I still do not see it in my bank account. Where is my refund?

It may take five to ten (10) business days to post the refunded amount in your account depending on your financial institution. Some refunds, If you are not satisfied with your 1st, then we cannot satisfy you with the rest of our training programs. After you file the refund, we will close your account and we can no longer accept your enrollment in the future training of J3.

However, may not posted in your account for up to 30 days.Ā  If it has been more than 10 business days since the refund was processed by J3, please contact your bank directly and inquire about the status of the refund.Ā  If the bank does not see the refund in their records, please contact ourĀ support team.


If youā€™ve incurred an error while attempting to make a payment, this article explains how to solve common reasons for payment issues. If you encountered a payment error message which told you to contact support directly, however, please clickĀ here. Otherwise, please try the troubleshooting steps outlined below.

  1. Check your Orders account here:Ā j3trainings.com/account/orders/Ā to know the status of your order.
  2. Submit a Ticket Support with a screenshot of your payment issue. Click here to submit a ticket: j3trainings.com/support/

Common Reasons For Failed Card Payments

Incorrectly entered information:Ā please ensure you enter the first and last name of the card account holder, exactly as it appears on the card, and that you enter it in the Name on Card field.Ā For example, if the card account holderā€™s name reads John R. Doe, then John R. Doe must be entered.

Incorrect CVC code:Ā please ensure youā€™re only entering numbers and that the code is correct,Ā as listed on the back of the card.

Incorrect postal code or code is not applicable:Ā if your payment failure states it is due to a zip code or postal code error, please contact your bank to ensure they have the right one on file. If zip codes arenā€™t applicable in your country, however, and you still see a zip code field, please try entering all zeros (00000).

Attempting payments while using a VPN:Ā multiple IP addresses can result in authorization problems and failed transactions. We advise that you refrain from using a virtual private network (VPN) while purchasing a course in j3trainings.com.

Too many payment attempts have been made in the last 24 hours:Ā some cards have usage limitations, and will automatically block payment attempts after a certain threshold has been reached. Try contacting your bank or using a different payment method.

Browser isnā€™t working correctly due to caching issues:Ā if youā€™re seeing a notification your card number looks invalid or icons arenā€™t showing up, there may be a caching issue.Ā PleaseĀ clear your browserā€™s cacheĀ and try again.Ā 

Still Stuck? Your Bank Should Have More Information

Some of the most common reasons banks decline payments include insufficient funds, card purchase limitations, and card security policies, among other issues. Since j3trainings.com does not have detailed insights into why a payment is declined,Ā we recommend contacting your financial institution directly to help solve the payment issue.Ā 

J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc. is a training company accredited by the Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) as Safety Training Organization (STO), Safety Consulting Organization (SCO), and Construction Heavy Equipment Testing Organization (CHET). It is also accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) as Conti

J3TCI was first established to respond to the need of the construction industry to professionalize management, technical, and worker skills and to elevate the level of safety consciousness and priority in this high-risk industry through training and professional help via consultancy. In addition to the construction industry, J3TCI also caters to the other industries in terms of safety such as the mining, manufacturing, food, and service industries.

Aside from safety training, J3TCI also serves the training needs of the professional sector, specifically in construction engineering, project management, human resource management, food safety, quality management, business continuity, and entrepreneurial development.

The Company is an SEC-registered corporation established in 2016 with a corporate office in Cagayan de Oro City.

You can call our office at (088) 851 2167 | 0917 777 6493 | 0950 0934 648

You can also email our staff at [email protected]

J3 Trainers and Consultants Inc. is on the list of DOLE-Accredited Safety Training Organizations granted with interim accreditation to conduct mandatory OSH training online.Ā