Energy Auditor Certification Course (EACC)-July 2024

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Php 16,000 + VAT
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July 6 – 12, 2024

7 days self-paced learning with live sessions via ZOOM on the following dates:

08:00AM – 10:00 NNDay 1
08:00AM – 05:00 PMDay 4
08:00AM – 05:00 PMDay 5
08:00AM – 05:00 PMDay 6
08:00AM – 12:00 NNDay 7

Asynchronous materials access at

Total number of hours dedicated to Energy Auditor Certification Course = Approx. 52 hours

Course Description

The 52-hour course is designed to provide the learner with knowledge, practical skills and attitude required to carry out an energy audit that involves gathering of data, evaluating and analyzing energy usage in a facility and recommending opportunities to reduce energy consumption through conservation and optimization. Course certificate is a requirement to apply for a Certified Energy Auditor qualification with the Department of Energy (DOE).

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the Energy Auditor Certification Course (EACC), participants are able to:

  • perform the role of an energy auditor;
  • gather, evaluate and analyze data on energy use, energy efficiency and consumption;
  • identify and prioritize  opportunities to improve energy performance;
  • conduct pre-audit, site audit and post-audit activities; and
  • comply the reportorial requirements under RA 11285:2018 (EEC Act) and its IRR.

Who may benefit from the course?

The course is mandatory for individuals who will be carrying out energy audits in designated establishments. This also offers benefits to existing and would-be energy managers whose  responsibilities include the conduct energy audit activities.

The course is nice-to-have for other members of the energy performance improvement team in designated establishments to gain essential knowledge and significantly contribute to the attainment of the establishment’s energy goals, objectives and targets.

Energy Auditor Certification Course (CEA)
Program with Time Allocation

Day/TimeModule and Session TitlesMode of Delivery
Day 1
0800 – 1200
(4 hours)
Preliminaries and Course OrientationAM Webinar via Zoom
Module 1. Introduction to Energy AuditSelf-Directed (Asynchronous)
Session 1. Overview of Energy Auditing and its Significance
-Industrial Audits
-Commercial Audits
-Residential Audits (Condominium)
Session 2. The role of a Certified Energy Auditor
Session 3. Benefits of Conducting Energy Audits
(4 hours)Module 2 Industry Rules and Regulations/StandardsSelf-Directed(Asynchronous)
Session 1. Understanding Energy Audit Legal Framework
Session 2. Key Regulations and Standards on Energy Audit
EPIRA, RE ACT, EEC Act, RPS, GEOP, DOE/ERC Rule, ASHRAE Standards etc.
Day 2
(2 hours)Module 3 ISO 50002 Energy Audit Framework (Awareness)Self-Directed(Asynchronous)
Session 1. Energy Audits
Session 2. Energy Auditors: Roles, Responsibilities, & Authority
Session 3. Energy Audit Planning
Session 4. Data Collection, Measurement and Analysis
Session 5. Audit Reporting
(6 hours)Module 4 Energy Assessment Self-Directed(Asynchronous)
Session 1. Historical Data Analysis – Analyzing Energy Tariff
Session 2. Analyzing the Demand Profile
Session 3. Energy Assessment – Load Inventory
-Electrical Load Inventory
-Thermal Load Inventory
Session 4. Energy Assessment – Saving Opportunities
Day 3
(8 hours)Module 5 Energy Audit Process Self-Directed(Asynchronous)
Session 1. Systems Approach to Energy Audit
-Energy Management in Buildings
-Structure of Energy Consuming Systems
-Energy Balance
Session 2. The Energy Audit – Walk-through and Detailed
-Information required before the site visit
-The Client Meeting
-Historical Data Analysis before the site visit
Session 3. Planning the Energy Audit
-Gathering Preliminary Data on the Facility
-Tools for the Audit
-Safety Considerations
Session 4. Site Audit Phase
-Introductory Meeting
-Audit Interview
-Site Walk-through
-Gathering Detailed Data (HVAC, Building Envelope…. Etc)
-Preliminary Identification of Energy Management Opportunities
-The Energy Audit Report
-The Energy Management Team (Audit Action Team)
Workshop Output: Draft Energy Audit Plan
Module 8 Verification of Energy Improvements (M & V)
Session 1. Overview of Measurement and Verification (M & V)
Session 2. Framework for Verification
Session 3. M & V Checklist
Session 4. Audit Report Writing
Session 5. Template for Audit Report
Workshop Output: Draft Audit Report
Day 4
0800 – 0500
(8 hours)
Module 6. Energy Efficiency: Electrical EnergyWebinar via ZOOM
Session 1. Building Electrical Supply System and Transformers
Session 2. Motors and Drives, Pumps, Fans and Blowers
Speakers: Engr. Jay Escorial, REE, CEM, CEA and                 Engr. Louie Angelo Collera, PEE, CEA
Day 5
0800 – 1200
(4 hours)
Module 6. Energy Efficiency: Electrical EnergyWebinar via ZOOM
Session 3. Lighting Systems
Session 4. Building Control System
Session 5. Maintenance of Energy Systems
Speakers: Engr. Jay Escorial, REE, CEM, CEA
0100 – 0500
(4 hours)
Module 7. Energy Efficiency: Thermal Energy
Session 1. Building Envelope
Session 2. Compressed Air System
Speakers: Engr. Christian Paul Arnado, RME, CEM
Day 6
0800 – 0500
(8 hours)
Module 7. Energy Efficiency: Thermal EnergyWebinar via ZOOM
Session 3. Boiler and Steam System
Session 4. Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
Speaker: Engr. Eugene Isidro Acosta, PME, CEA
Day 7
0800 – 1200
(4 hour)
Course Integration and Ways ForwardWebinar via ZOOM

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